Friday, September 10, 2010


I actually feel kind of lame for using "Hello World" as the title of my first blog because I am sure this blog entry title is also shared by millions of blogs that are written by developers. Well... but I also feel kind of lame that I am an Asian person who self-proclaims photography is my passion, since it is mandatory for all of the Asian males to go through a period of car-loving or photo-loving. Therefore, because I feel so lame already, what's a little hello world gonna do to my blog's reputation. Plus, blending-in is a special skill that I am encouraged to acquire as a Chinese immigrant. My mom has always told me that I shouldn't cause any trouble, I shouldn't do anything that other people wouldn't do... so hello world it is. 

Anyhow... this blog will be written in bad English, as in it will be filled with bad grammars and misspelled words. If you are an English Professor with severer heart-issues, please make sure you have your heart medicines within arms reach if you have to read my blog. 

This blog will mostly be about three things (or just whatever I feel like): code, photography and my rant to the world. If you think c# is a musical notation, then perhaps this blog is not for you. If you think closure in JavaScript is what you do with your boyfriend/girlfriend when you breakup with him/her at a coffee shop, then perhaps is blog is not for you. If you think photography is lame, then definitely this blog is not for you. If you are a useless politician or an obscure religious leader who does stupid things in the name of religions, then perhaps this blog is not for you. 

If you are someone who enjoys discussing .NET/JavaScript best practices, random technologies, or small business developments, then I hope you can find something useful here. If you enjoy film photography, black & white photos, or Leica, then I hope you can find something that speaks to you here. If you are a person I just happen to work with, you will definitely find something useful here, because I will quiz each one of you. 

function BlogEntryTitleGenerator(){
    if (getCurrentEntriesCount(this) < 1){
       return "Hello World";

    else {
       // TODO: not sure yet

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